Chinese Govt. Scholarship (CSC)
2024-05-16 17:33  click:[]


为深化中外青年学术友谊和交流互鉴,搭建世界青年科研人才交流平台,现我校启动组织申报国家留学基金管理委员会(以下简称国家留学基金委)2024年中国政府奖学金短期来华科研交流(英文简称 China Link)项目。有关具体项目介绍及申报信息说明如下:


1. 资助类别:



2. 资助期限:1-12 个月,来华起始时间不晚于 2025 年 8 月 31 日;

3. 授课语言:英文或中文;

4. 资助领域:除汉语言外,其他专业不限。


在华期间享受全额奖学金资助,包括免学费、免校内住宿费、综合医疗保险费;按照中国政府奖学金标准提供生活费,其中,普通进修生 3000 元人民币/月,高级进修生 3500 元人民币/月。


1. 非中华人民共和国国籍,身心健康;

2. 普通进修生申请人,年龄不超过 45 周岁;高级进修生申请人,年龄不超过 50 周岁;

3. 申请及参与项目期间,须为国家留学基金委国外合作院校全日制在读学生或教职员工,国外合作院校列表详见附件 1;

4. 需获我校国际交流处出具的录取通知书或邀请信,须包含个人信息、入学时间、专业信息等高校注册必须的信息。


1. 学校将根据国际学生招生要求和招生规定,对申请人的对华态度、学习成绩、科研能力、语言水平、健康状况及无犯罪记录情况等进行综合审核并推荐符合要求的候选人;

2. 有意向推荐申报的各学院及教师,请填写《东北农业大学2024年中国政府奖学金短期来华科研交流项目候选人名单》(详见附件2),并分别于2024年6月30日、9月30日及2024年12月30日三个截止日期前,将候选人名单表(Excel版)发送至。同时将受理机构编号10224及系统操作指南(详见附件3)发送给推荐人选,请其按要求在系统中提交申请材料,截止日期同上。

3. 候选人申请数量不限,具体奖学金录取结果以国家留学基金委通知为准。

联系人:弓铭琦 朱聃


邮  箱

附件: 1.国外院校列表


     3. 系统操作指南



The Notice of Application for Chinese Government Scholarships for Short-term Scientific Research and Exchange Program in 2024

In order to deepen the academic friendship and mutual understanding between Chinese and foreign young generations, and to build a platform for the international exchanges and cooperation of young talents, the China Scholarship Council (CSC) has established the China Link Scholarship Program for international students and faculties hoping to engage in academic and research activities in China.The details of the programme and the application information are as follows:

Program Scheme

1.Funding Categories

General scholar: applicable to current undergraduates or master students.

Senior scholar: applicable to current Ph. D students or faculties.

1-12 months. Start study in China no later than August 31, 2025.


English or Chinese.

4.Funding areas

All disciplines other than Chinese language study.


Successful applicants will receive a full scholarship from CSC during their stay in China, includingTuition waiver, free on-campus accommodation, comprehensive medical insurance, and a monthly stipend (CNY 3,000 for general scholars; CNY 3,500 for senior scholars).


1. Be a citizen of a country other than the People’s Republic of China and be in good health, both mentally and physically.

2. Be under 45 years of age when applying for general scholars. Be under 50 years of age when applying for senior scholars.

3. Be registered as a full-time student or employed as a full-time academic staff at CSC’s foreign partner universities at the time of application and throughout their proposed stay in China.For a list of CSC’s foreign partner universities, please refer to Appendix 1.

4. Have received either the admission notice or the invitation letter issued by the Chinese host university,which contains personal information, time of admission, major information and other information necessary for college registration. Recommendation

1. According to the requirements and admission regulations for international students, our university will comprehensively review and recommend candidates who meet the requirements in terms of their attitudes towards China, academic performance, scientific research ability, language proficiency, health condition and no criminal record;

2. Colleges and teachers who are interested in applying for the programme should fill in the "List of Candidates for Northeast Agricultural University 2024 Chinese Government Scholarship Short-Term Research and Exchange Programme in China" (please refer to Appendix 2) and send the candidate list form (Excel version) to before the three deadlines of 30 June 2024, 30 September 2024 and 30 December 2024 respectively.At the same time, the Agency No. 10224 and the operation guide of the system (please refer to Appendix 3 for details) should be sent to the recommended candidates, who will be requested to submit the application materials in the system according to the requirements, with the same deadlines as above.

3. There is no limit to the number of applications from candidates, and the results of the scholarship acceptance will be subject to the notification of the China Scholarship Council.

Contact Information

International Office, Northeast Agricultural University

Contact: Teacher Gong  Teacher Zhu 

Tel: +86-0451-55190155


Appendix 1. The list of CSC’s foreign partner universities

Appendix 2. List of Candidates for Northeast Agricultural University 2024 Chinese Government Scholarship Short-Term Research and Exchange Programme in China

Appendix 3. System Operation Guideline

Northeast Agricultural University

International Exchange and Cooperation Division


Next item:2024 Application for International Students of Northeast Agricultural University


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